Basic Beekeeping

The basic beekeeping course walks you through the fundamentals of beekeeping. You’ll learn:

Week 1: Basics

  • Terminology
  • Legal issues
  • Equipment and resources
  • Anatomy of a hive
  • How to acquire bees

Week 2: Details

  • Biology and types of bees
  • Honeybee diseases and pests
  • How to medicate
  • Selection and preparation of an apiary site
  • Proper hive procedures

Week 3: Management

  • Handling season changes
  • Gathering swarms
  • Record keeping practices
  • Equipment assembly

Week 4: Build (Optional week. Does not include building supplies. Estimated cost $150-$210.)

  • Bring your tools and your safety glasses
  • Assemble and construct the hive

Cost includes class instruction and book. Cost does not include bees, or supplies and materials for the construction of your hive.

BOGO: Register one person for $65. Add a second person for an additional $40. Total cost is $105 for two people.

Questions? Call 918.352.4517

Class is free for all FFA leaders and students in the Central Tech district.

Location Dates Hours Days Times Tuition Fees & Supplies Total Cost Sign Up
Campus: 201 N Settle Dr, Drumright Dates: 2/22/25-3/22/25 Hours: 17 Days: S Times: 9:00a-2:00p Tuition: $55 (1st person) Fees & Supplies: $10 Total Cost: $65
Campus: Dates: Hours: Days: Times: Tuition: $30 (2nd person) Fees & Supplies: $10 Total Cost: $40

Chicken Tending

Interested in raising chickens? Want fresh eggs everyday?

Due to a desire to become reacquainted with food production and self-sustainment, the popularity of raising your own chickens is growing. Having chickens in your backyard is an excellent way to experience how food is derived and provide food for your family.

Join this class to explore the fascinating world of backyard chickens and learn how to start your own flock.

In-depth topics include:

  • Health Problem Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment practices
  • Proper Handling Techniques
  • Line Selection of Breed and Types for your needs
  • Shelter Options

Lunch provided.

Questions? Call 918.352.4517

Class is free for all FFA leaders and students in the Central Tech district.


As the inflation and supply chain shortage theme of 2022 continues into 2023, many of us are seeing the impact at local grocery stores, specifically eggs.

Location Dates Hours Days Times Tuition Fees & Supplies Total Cost Sign Up
Campus: 201 N Settle, Drumright Dates: 4/11/25 Hours: 6 Days: F Times: 9:00a-3:00p Tuition: $25 Fees & Supplies: $25 Total Cost: $50
Campus: 1612 S Main, Sapulpa Dates: 4/18/25 Hours: 6 Days: F Times: 9:00a-3:00p Tuition: $25 Fees & Supplies: $25 Total Cost: $50

Winterize Your Hive

Protect your bees from winter weather conditions by learning how to winterize your hive with our Basic Beekeeping instructor, Ed Lebeau.

Questions? Call 918.352.4517

Class is free for all FFA leaders and students in the Central Tech district.

Location Dates Hours Days Times Tuition Fees & Supplies Total Cost Sign Up
Campus: 201 N Settle, Drumright Dates: TBD Hours: 3 Days: Sa Times: 9:00a-12:00p Tuition: $15 Fees & Supplies: $0 Total Cost: $15