Women's Self-Defense

Women of all ages, sizes, and capabilities will gain the self-confidence, skill sets, and motivation to better protect themselves from those who wish to bring them harm. In this beginner class taught by Officer Chris Reinke, you will:

  • Gain the knowledge and awareness to help make avoidance the first and most important step in not becoming a victim.
  • Learn the areas of the human body most vulnerable to impact or manipulation.
  • Learn real world, practical, effective self-defense techniques to counter the most common attacks on women.
  • Be able to practice, perform, and apply the instructed techniques.

Please wear athletic type clothing (sweat pants, yoga pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt) and tennis shoes.

Questions? Call 918.352.7622

Chris ReinkeChris currently serves as the Assistant  Chief of Police and a patrol K9 Handler for the Drumright Police Department. He has been a full-time, sworn officer for 12 years. Chris is a CLEET certified basic instructor and holds CLEET specialized instructor certifications as a Defensive Tactics Instructor (DTI) and Law Enforcement Driver Training Instructor (LEDTI). Living in Drumright with his wife and daughter, he currently trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which his daughter has also recently taken up.

Location Dates Hours Days Times Tuition Fees & Supplies Total Cost Sign Up
Campus: Drumright Campus Dates: TBD Hours: 4 Days: Sa Times: 1:00p-5:00p Tuition: $10 Fees & Supplies: $0 Total Cost: $10