Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Janice Williams, Stroud (SOY—Business and Information Technology), Danielle Little, Bristow (SOY—Interactive Multimedia), Nathaniel Bradford, Bristow (SOY—Pre-Calc, DHR), and Nicholas Forrester, Davenport (SOY—Powersports Technology, DHR)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Director’s Honor Roll, Thadius Rushing, Sapulpa


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Zack Hall, Cleveland (SOY—Electrical Trades), Chris Ball, Cleveland (SOY—Design Drafting, PA), Jaren Ward, Cleveland (DHR), Payton Fack, Cleveland (SOY—Pre-Engineering, DHR), Wyatt Compton, Cleveland (SOY—Biomedical Sciences), and Tanner Good, Cleveland (DHR)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). MaKaytlin Greenfield, Cushing (SHR, PA), Madison Spitler, Ripley (DHR), Josh Houtchens, Cushing (SOY—Construction Trades), Stormie Spicer, Cushing (DHR), Madeline Toews, Ripley (DHR, PA), and Macey Linduff, Cushing (SOY—Medical Assisting)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Jonathan Farmer, Yale (SOY—Chemistry, DHR), Zachary Hammock, Yale (DHR), Barkley Rogers, Oilton (SOY—Chemistry/AP Biology), Tristan Hart, Yale (SOY—Pre-Engineering, SHR, PA), and Mahala Brown, Olive (SHR, PA)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year–Diesel Technology, Nathaniel Montalvo, Jennings


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year—Design Drafting, Miranda Bostick, Drumright


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Mallory Petrone, Sapulpa (SOY—Cosmetology), Chandler Sheaffer, Sapulpa (SOY—Automotive Technology), and Steven McGuire, Kellyville (SOY—Electrical Trades)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Austin Johnson, Cleveland (SOY—Construction Trades), Benjamin Tidwell, Mannford (DHR), Colton Monk, Mannford (DHR), Christopher Patterson, Cleveland (DHR), Timothy Baalman, Mannford (SOY—Pre-Engineering, SHR, DHR, PA), Codie McNatt, Mannford (DHR), William Peterson, Cleveland (SHR, PA), Dillon Tillery, Cleveland (PA), Katie Perry, Cleveland (SOY—Pre-Calc/Chemistry, DHR), Faith Goodman, Pawnee (SOY—Business and Information Technology, DHR), Joanna Wolf, Cleveland (SOY—Health Careers Certification, DHR), and Nathan Ramer, Cleveland (DHR)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Michael Ames, Ripley (SOY—Algebra II, DHR), Shane Robison, Ripley (DHR), Thomas Robison, Ripley (SHR, PA), Jacob Ames, Ripley (SOY—Diesel Technology), Hanna Brichacek, Cushing (DHR), Dakota George, Cushing (SOY—Digital Printing & Imaging Communications, Amber Dotter, Ripley (SOY—Graphic Design, PA), Ashley McEntire, Cushing (DHR), Kayla Dees, Cushing (SHR, PA), Mariah Richards, Cushing (PA), and Rebekah Horrocks, Cushing (SHR, PA)


Central Tech, Drumright campus End of Year awards: Student of the Year (SOY), Superintendent’s Honor Roll (SHR), Director’s Honor Roll (DHR), and Perfect Attendance (PA). Logan Jones, Sapulpa (DHR), Cory Standridge, Drumright (DHR), Colton Lewis, Yale (DHR), Justin Ford, Oilton (SOY—Welding/Fabrication Technology, SHR, PA), Annette “Pixie” Kissler, Drumright (DHR), Myrriah Scullawl, Sapulpa (DHR), Lindsey Losey, Sapulpa (SOY—Interactive Multimedia, DHR), Paige Andrews, Drumright (DHR), and Alyssa Miller, Drumright (PA)