Oklahoma CareerTech is celebrating CareerTech Education Month by continuing to focus on developing a world-class workforce in Oklahoma.


“The value of Oklahoma’s CareerTech System lies in its ability to provide individuals with the education, training and skills necessary to be successful in their career and to provide companies with the quality workforce necessary to compete globally,” said Marcie Mack, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education state director.


The Oklahoma CareerTech System is composed of local technology centers; services and training for business and industry; programs in comprehensive schools; skills centers programs in Oklahoma correctional facilities; and adult basic education programs. In fiscal year 2016, CareerTech’s enrollments totaled more than 500,000, and CareerTech System graduates added more than $3.5 billion to Oklahoma’s economy.


Oklahoma has 29 technology center districts with 58 campuses that offer career training to high school and adult students, along with training and assistance for the state’s businesses and industries.


High school students can attend their technology centers in their districts for free, learning skills that will help them land good jobs after school and position them to continue their education after graduation. Certifications earned through CareerTech courses give students entrance into higher-paying fields of work and can also help them obtain higher education without incurring excessive debt.


Adult students at the technology centers can learn new skills and earn certificates and credentials to get jobs, change careers or advance in their current careers.


In FY16, CareerTech students earned 14,762 certificates and industry-recognized credentials, showing that they have the skills they need to work.


In 395 of Oklahoma’s comprehensive school districts in FY16, 36 percent of sixth- through 12th-grade students — and almost half of ninth- through 12th-grade students — enrolled in CareerTech courses: agricultural education; business and information technology education; family and consumer sciences education; health careers education; marketing education; science, technology, engineering and mathematics; and trade and industrial education.


More than 88,000 students also learned leadership skills as members of co-curricular CareerTech student organizations: FFA; Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America; SkillsUSA; Technology Student Association; Business Professionals of America; HOSA; and DECA.


CareerTech helps provide qualified employees for Oklahoma’s businesses and industries by preparing state residents for successful careers, but it also helps business and industry directly.


CareerTech’s Business and Industry Services Division helped more than 7,000 companies increase their profitability in FY16 with increased sales, higher productivity, reduced costs and expanded operations and helped companies move to and start in Oklahoma and provided training for 688 new jobs. Also, the Oklahoma Bid Assistance Network helped state companies secure more than $131 million in contracts.


Oklahoma CareerTech operates 15 skills centers in correctional facilities, teaching inmates and juvenile offenders work and life skills that help keep them in the workforce and out of the corrections system after their release. The system also helps those who dropped out of high school earn diplomas and gain skills to enter the workforce through the CareerTech dropout recovery program.


In 2015, CareerTech took responsibility for the state’s adult basic education programs. ODCTE oversees 30 ABE providers with 67 sites that offer high school equivalency programs and tests along with English literacy and civics courses.


“Oklahoma CareerTech is a core factor in Oklahoma’s economic development by providing education and training to individuals for a career and business and industry with qualified employees to meet their workforce demands,” Mack said.


The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education provides leadership and resources and assures standards of excellence for a comprehensive statewide system of career and technology education. The system offers programs and services in 29 technology center districts operating on 58 campuses, 395 comprehensive school districts, 15 Skills Centers campuses that include three juvenile facilities and 30 Adult Basic Education service providers.


The agency is governed by the State Board of Career and Technology Education and works closely with the State Department of Education and the State Regents for Higher Education to provide a seamless educational system for all Oklahomans.

Laura Wilson, Writer/Editor
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
1500 W. Seventh Ave., Stillwater, OK 74074
405-743-5522 – laura.wilson@careertech.ok.gov